Lichen Trip report

Baysbrown trip report 24-11-22

Autumns are always wet in the Lakes, and our trip to Baysbrown Wood was no exception to the seasonal rule. We postponed the first date because of the forecast and folk were asking about whether we’d go ahead with the second date…

We met at Elterwater, on a relatively dry morning, and walked up along moss and Peltigera lined walls. Both the bryophyte and lichen parties did very well at not getting distracted. Once in the wood proper though, the bryo party were off like a rocket: headed for a fixed monitoring point where there’s a rare-in-the-Lakes species called Plagiochila heterophylla. We ambled along in the same direction: it was an Atlantic woodland species they were excited about, so maybe there would be lichens worth looking at nearby.

And there were: we quickly found Thelotrema lepadinum on the first ash we looked at, together with copious Normandina pulchella and the pointy pycnidia of Anisomeridium polypori. Heading up towards the top of the wood we found lots of Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia saxatilis on the larches. And even though the oaks weren’t that old, we quickly found some Micarea alabastrites too. It has white apothecia and is an indicator of acid bark in oceanic woodlands.  

We navigated our way through the tumbledown victims of Storm Arwen from almost exactly a year ago, to look at hazels below the encroaching quarry spoil tips. They felt very old and very mossy, and there was an almost timeless feeling about them. The charcoal pitsteads and slate waste heaps told a story of past industrial activity though, and beyond Graphis scripta, G. elegans and Pertusaria leioplaca there was relatively little in the way of interesting crusts. We did find fertile Normandina pulchella: perithecia immersed in elongated squamules. I can’t remember seeing that before.

A little lower down, and the bryo party showed us their target species: and a fine, blueish, toothed thing it was too. There were some little cliffs with interesting (basic-rock loving) mosses, but nothing in the way of more basic-rock loving lichens, though it was all so wet they could have been hidden by water. There were Peltigera praetextata, P. hymenina and P. membranacea on moss on the slate waste. We edged our way down, and started to descend into a zone of ashes and oaks and birches; the latter had our first Hypotrachyna species of the day.

But that’s when the heavens opened, and it wasn’t a day to be arguing with the weather. So we sidled away, via a couple of trees alongside the path that held Cetrelia olivetorum and Peltigera horizontalis. We’ll have to come again another time to see the Bryorias I’d noticed on a quick recce last month and find what else the site holds.

Text and photos: Pete Martin

Bryophyte Lichen Trip report

Scales Wood trip report 16-10-22

Lichen Report

With remarkable timing, our field trip to Scales Wood near Buttermere had a break in the weather, sandwiched between days of rain. Although a long journey for many, we had a good turnout with a mixture of beginners and more experienced group members.  The site is a good oceanic north-east facing wood primarily of acid-barked oak and birch set between 100m and 300m above sea level. We went up through the vegetated boulder field to about half-way up as the sessile oaks give way to birch, and eventually found over 80 lichen species on the mossy trees, rocks and outcrops. This figure includes a few species on the stone bridge at the edge of the site, with Placynthium nigrum on the mortar for example.

Star of the show was the rare oceanic Parmelinopsis horrescens known from Scales Wood as its most northerly location in the UK: nationally scarce and near threatened. One of the Parmelia group, it has grey-green lobes with no pseudocyphellae but with conspicuous isidia and black cilia on the upper surface. It blended in with the other foliose lichens on the twigs and bark, so required careful inspection to find it. We checked that it did the expected KC+ pink reaction. It’s not been seen elsewhere in the Lakes, but perhaps we need to look harder. There is an even rarer P. minarum which looks the same, with no cilia but has a C+ pink medulla.  Parmelia ernstiae was present as well: this looks similar, also without cilia.

The site is designated as an SSSI primarily because it is the largest and least modified example of highly oceanic birch-sessile oak woodland in the Lake District. At its last assessment in 2014, it was in unfavourable condition (no change) due to poor wood structure ie a lack of tree regeneration as there was no stock-proof barrier. As per the survey, we found plenty of dead wood but very few saplings and a couple of sheep present. This issue of under grazing or over-grazing is tricky: too much grazing and there’s no re-gen; too little and the base of trees and ground flora can be shaded, which will affect some lichens. Only slow re-gen is needed, but I think we’ll have to accept some shading if we want new trees to grow so the wood can survive in the long term.  Thankfully we saw no Rhododendron.  And happily there was no sign of nitrogen enrichment in the main wood ie no Xanthoria or Phaeophyscia, with only one instance of Physcia tenella next to the farmland. The birches higher up were reminiscent of the west coast of Scotland, with a lush Parmelion community covering every inch of bark.  We found oceanic specialist Hypotrachyna taylorensis on one oak. We didn’t re-find the only Cumbria record of “Lob scrob” from 1961 – always a long shot.

There were plenty of opportunities for learning, with Parmelia, Flavoparmelia caperata, Ochrolechia tartarea, O. androgyna and Mycoblastus sanguinarius present, along with plentiful Hypotrachyna laevigata with one instance found fertile. Micarea can be tricky but we found relatively distinctive M. alabastrites with white apothecia (C+ red) on several trees and M. stipitata with white stalked pycnidia.  Cladonia caespiticia was found with its distinctive mushroom-like apothecia. Lovely mounds of Cladonia were deemed to be fertile C. subcervicornis after some wrestling with the key. And fertile Cladonia parasitica was found on dead wood with an instant K+ yellow reaction along with Pd+ deep yellow. Bunodophoron melanocarpum was present on rock and birch. This, along with several species fertile, means many happy lichens.

The happy lichenologists, looking back at the wood, saw many unexplored areas to either side – plenty of scope for further visits…

Text and photos, Chris Cant

Bryophyte Report

Despite Scales Wood being one of the largest and least modified examples of oceanic woodland in the Lake District, and an SSSI for that reason, it is surprising that only 41 species or bryophyte appear have been recorded for the tetrad. Our group of six therefore set out with modest expectations, but determined to fill some gaps in the records.

Once over the bridge, our first stop at a large rock gave us all the opportunity for some revision of commoner species and produced the first interesting liverwort of the day, Orthocaulis (Barbilophozia) atlantica with its striking red gemmae. Hyocomium armoricum was also found in a small watercourse here. Moving up the steep slope into the woodland, the abundance of bryophytes on trees, rocks and the ground soon became apparent, suggesting this was going to be a very interesting wood. Early finds included Hylocomiastrum umbratum, Bazzania trilobata, Plagiochila spinulosa and  Saccogyna viticulosa . Scapania gracilis was extremely common on tree trunks and on rocks, together with extensive carpets and frequent hummocks of Sphagnum species  (particularly S palustre and S quinquefarium) on the ground all indicating just how humid the woodland is. Precipitation here is over 2 metres per year!  Several trees with the characteristic ‘brackets’ of Plagiochila punctata were also found. Dead wood had surprising amounts of the tiny Scapania umbrosa, together with Riccardia palmata and Cephalozia (Nowellia) curvifolia.

As we got higher and deeper into the wood, more exciting finds were made. Large areas of the slope are occupied by block scree covered in a carpet of bryophytes with Wilson’s Filmy-fern Hymenophyllum wilsonii quite frequent. Bazzania tricrenata, initially spotted as a tiny clump, was soon being found regularly, often growing through other liverworts such as Mylia taylorii. Anastrepta orcadensis was also quite frequent, its red gemmae giving it a superficial resemblance to Orthocaulis atlantica, but quite obvious differences in leaf shape and orientation were visible on closer inspection. We also found good patches of Hageniella micans, a moss which in England is only known from here and Borrowdale. The real star finds were Harpanthus scutatus, which is mentioned in the SSSI citation, and one tiny patch of Pseudomarsupidium (Adelanthus) decipiens, possibly a new location for this species.

Towards the end of the day we reached Near Ruddy Beck hoping for some different species. Sadly we did not find Jubula hutchinsae which has been recorded in the wood, but did find Andrea hookeri (alpina) growing on a boulder, and possibly Plagiochila bifaria growing on a log overhanging the beck. Heading down out of the woodland towards the track home, we crossed a boggy area with a range of different Sphagnum species, including  S papillosum, S inundatum, S compactum and possibly S platyphyllum, which if confirmed would be the first record for VC70.

The final tally for the day was nearly 80 species (with several samples still awaiting examination). All in all, a most enjoyable visit to an exceptional wood.

Kerry Milligan

Photos: CS=Clare Shaw, KM=Kerry Milligan

Lichen Trip report

Bowscale Tarn trip report 21-9-22

Unforecast snatches of sun welcomed us at Mungrisdale. And, once again, we were barely distracted on a long walk in along a good track. Barely distracted I said. There was Trapeliopsis gelatinosa on a soil underhang, but that was it. Apart from several caterpillars and what must have been an oddly plumaged juvenile Kestrel.

But all changed once we rounded the corner of the moraine and were by the tarn. The wind got up. The temperature dropped by several degrees. The cloud thickened. There was no sign of the immortal trout legends say live in the waters. But there were lichens.

A big boulder at the water’s edge occupied us for quite a while, providing a good range of acid rock species: Lecanora intricata and L. soralifera; Parmelia omphalodes, Ochrolechia androgyna, Ionaspis lacustris and Scoliciosporum umbrinum to name a few. A sorediate and fertile crust proved to be Tephromela grumosa. Chris ventured out to an island and found Protoparmelia badia. The stepping stones and gusty wind didn’t make for a relaxed journey when others followed!

Lunch was taken in a hollow where the wind was a little less gusty. There were plentiful Cladonia species amongst the mosses, and Stereocaulons on the glacial boulders: both varieties of S. vesuvianum, S. evolutum and S. dactylophyllum. Presumably the boulders were metal rich. A small Cetraria remained unidentified to species: were the podetia rounded or flattened? Were there any psuedocyphellae and where were they? It seemed best to leave it where it was.

We headed up towards the north-facing back wall of the corrie, where damp little cliffs held the odd tree out of reach of the sheep. Rusty nodules suggested the rocks were metal rich. Caz found the small brown squamules of Massalongia carnosa growing among mosses on a damp face. Beneath a Rowan tree was a Peltigera, the only one we’d found all day. Much discussion ensued. It was glossy, with upturned edges. A slash in its upper surface revealed a white medulla. There was a bit of pruina to the end of one of the lobes at least. Underneath, the centre was dark and there were white patches between flat, spreading veins. The rhizines were pretty pathetic. It went C+ red. So we tentatively thought it was Peltigera neckeri. If it is, it’s the first record for the Lake District, although there are 36 records in the Cumbrian Pennines.

Just yards further on, we found the greeny cracked-mud thallus of  Myriospora smaragdula. On a nearby ledge, Chris pointed out a rusty patch. Was it a lichen? Nearby were some small, scattered squamules. Their rims were thicker and paler than the centres, and they looked for all the world like Stereocaulon vesuvianum phyllocladia that are sometimes described as “button-like”. But without the pseudopodetia. Dobson was consulted. K was applied: it went yellow. But so do all the Stereocaulons. UV produced a white reaction. We think we have Stereocaulon leucophaeopsis. Of which not a lot has been found in the Lakes.

After all that excitement, things were bound to slow down. We ambled along the cliffs a bit, but didn’t make it very far before deciding to call it a day, and descend. In fact, we’d barely started to make it along that corrie wall. There’s some interesting looking scree (which might be mine spoil), some interesting looking cliffs and who knows what those trees will have? So we’ll have to come back another time…

Pete Martin, with additional photos by Chris Cant

Bryophyte Lichen Trip report

Sunbiggin Tarn trip report 14-8-22


It seems to be an annual occurrence now: to have a field trip during very hot dry weather. A couple of attendees had sensibly dropped out in advance. We started off in the open on the limestone at the edge of Little Asby Scar, but retreated into the shade of the hawthorns next to Sunbiggin Tarn until we boiled off at 3pm.

The day was one of a series of events in August to celebrate the life of Frank Dobson who died in December 2021. He wrote several lichen books including the essential “Lichens: An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species” now in its seventh edition in 2018. This is a vital part of any lichen outing with keys and information on morphology and chemistry to help identify lichens in the field and when back at base eg using microscopes. On this trip, we had three “Dobsons” on the go at one point trying to work out an id. The British Lichen Society (BLS) will be updating this guide book in due course, no doubt including recent taxonomic changes.

The limestone had some nice usual suspects such as Caloplaca flavescens, Dermatocarpon miniatum, Placynthium nigrum, Protoblastenia rupestris and Squamarina cartilaginea. We spent some time on a Lecanora but didn’t come to a conclusion.

Sue found some perithecia with a black on white cracked crust, which she recognised as potentially being Acrocordia conoidea. Back at base, Chris and Caz eventually concluded that it must be a Verrucaria as it had simple spores that weren’t uniseriate in the ascus – and keyed out a tentative species identification, but the experts we consulted weren’t convinced. Verrucaria species can be tricky to identify, especially where there’s a crust of algae or cyanobacteria on top, as in this case.

Near the tarn, we found some shade for lunch behind a dry-stone wall which sported some more lichens for id. After that we moved to the nearby hawthorns which can be a good habitat for lichens, though the thorns do make it harder to look. There were a couple of instances of the large Ramalina fraxinea along with the more common R. fastigiata and R. farinacea, along with similar looking Evernia prunastri. It was good to hide in the shade, using Dobson to key out some species.

Nearby there was some earthy limestone with some Cladonia species on the edge of the rocks. We saw Toninia verrucarioides growing on top of Placynthium nigrum, along with a dry Leptogium pulvinatum.

We ended up with almost 50 species identified. It is always a pleasure to share a lichen enthusiasm with others in the field.

Text and photos: Chris Cant


I didn’t have very high hopes of the outing to Sunbiggin Tarn. The forecast was for another very hot day, and although there had been some rain a few days before, it seemed likely that the bryophytes would be dry and tightly curled against the heat. However, four of us had braved the hot conditions and it was good to meet up and to be outdoors.

We parked in the big layby above the Tarn, just west of Little Asby, and started with a look at the remains of limestone pavement to the east of the layby. It was good to familiarise ourselves with some typical limestone species including Neckera crispa, Ctenidium molluscum, Grimmia pulvinata, Scapania aspera, Tortula muralis, Tortella tortuosa, Syntrichia montana, Hypnum lacunosum and Homalothecium sericeum. More surprising was Climacium dendroides, usually a species of damp places. David and Andy found some interesting wispy species, and consulting our field guides we decided they were likely to be Flexitrichum gracile and flexicaule (previously both in the Ditrichum genus). Both are lime-loving species and F. gracile is commonly found on limestone grassland, but F. flexicaule is much rarer and restricted mainly to limestone rocks. In this case it was distinctive, with many stiff, upright stems as shown in the field guide photos and described as ‘thin, deciduous branches with short leaves’. Microscope examination confirmed this ID, with the F. flexicaule shoots showing relatively short leaves on the longer shoots. Leaf sections ofthis species also showed a more abrupt transition between the leaf lamina and the costa compared to F. gracile, where you can’t see a clear ‘edge’ to the costa.

Flexitrichum flexicaule
Flexitrichum flexicaule growing through Ctenidium molluscum
Flexitrichum flexicaule leaf
Flexitrichum flexicaule leaf section
Flexitrichum gracile leaf section

Once we felt we’d seen most of the species we were likely to find here, we drove down to the tarn and went to investigate the boggy area west of the road and down to Tarn Sike. The ground was not exactly boggy, but still damp enough for the bryophytes to be holding on. There were a few Sphagnum species (S. capillifolium, S. subnitens, S. palustre), also Breutelia chrysocoma, Aneura pinguis, Palustriella commutata and falcata, Scorpidium scorpioides and cossonii, Aulacomium palustre. There was a tiny rivulet of still-running water where we were pleased to spot Calliergon gigantea in several patches. There were extensive patches of a blackish Jungermannia liverwort, probably J. atrovirens or pumila, but impossible to definitively identify without perianths. J atrovirens according to the field guide is most common in limestone districts, but both are sometimes found together.

Calliergon gigantea
The big stem leaves are very distinctive and clearly visible between the branches.

We made our way down to the road, passing some lovely autumn gentian, and from there down to the tarn, where we enjoyed the cool shade of a few trees. There were a few epiphytes there: Ulota phylantha, Ulota crispa, Frullania dilatata, Metzgeria fruticulosa, and a spectacular, very large Puss moth caterpillar spotted by Kerry. At the edge of the tarn was some Fontinalis antipyretica. By now it was about 2 o’clock and getting seriously hot, so we agreed to call it a day and headed back towards the cars. But we were soon distracted by a large boggy area with more Palustriella commutata and cushions of Philonotis fontana, where we were also excited to find some really good areas of Philonotis calcarea. There were actually several patches, looking really healthy and very distinctively curved to one side.

Philonotis calcarea

So all in all, it was a surprisingly good day and we were very happy with the interesting finds, though the species list is likely to be quite limited.

Text and photos: Clare Shaw


Wolf Crag trip report 14-07-22

It was a small but select band of five who met at High Row above Matterdale on a cool, and at times damp, July morning. Layers (including overtrousers!) were put on, and in a break with tradition the lichen folk and bryophyte folk set off along the track together. Within half a mile, layers were being shed. But in a further break with tradition it was more than a mile before the pleas to “just have a look at this boulder” were agreed to by the trip leader.

But what a boulder it was: a big lump of Borrowdale volcanics perched by the side of the path. It had the “usual” Parmelia saxatilis and P. omphalodes, Rhizocarpon geographicum, Ophioparma ventosa and so forth. But we found Cetraria muricata (and the more common C. aculeata); a small greeny lobe of Tuckermanopsis chlorophylla amongst grey Platismatia glauca; abundant Ochrolechia tartarea; the black squiggles of Lithographa tesserata; brown squamules of Schaereria cinerorufa. In total, we identified over 35 species. We thought an expert might have got 50.

Eventually, we prised ourselves away and headed along to Wolf Crags. If you’ve never been, it’s a cracking north-facing corrie at the end of the Helvellyn range, with views over the moorland to the A66, Blencathra and Scotland. There’s crags, with trees and other vegetation: some of it quite rich and out of reach of the grazers. There’s a lovely moraine dating from the last glaciation: the Loch Lomond Stadial (or Younger Dryas if you prefer to think of it that way).

We wandered across the corrie floor, examined gravels and boulders, and after lunch, headed up to explore the crags. We were hoping for a bit of more basic rock, though didn’t find any. There were lush ledges of Wood Rush, Golden Rod and Foxgloves;  a good selection of acid rock lichens including Protopannaria pezizoides. A rowan overhanging a cliff had an unexpected colony of Dimerella lutea, and as we moved along the cliff face the ground became more tricky and time-consuming.

Our aim was to refind the previously recorded Peltigera britannica, and Solorina saccata. We had grid references, and made it to one of the Peltigera sites at the base of a mossy cliff. Usually, it would be damper there, but it was July, and we had to wet the lichen to turn it green. Close examination showed the differences from P. leucophlebia, the other Peltigera that contains green algae: more concave cephalodia; much less obvious veins underneath; few and sparse rhizines. But we didn’t find the second Peltigera britannica site as we ascended a gully. Or perhaps I should say we did find the grid reference, but didn’t find the lichen. It didn’t really seem like the right habitat. And nor did we find the Solorina: this prefers more basic rocks and we didn’t find anything that looked suitable. Ho hum, we’ll have to come back another time…

… the journey back from the top of the crags was straightforward, though we did find a lovely example of Lichenomphalia umbellifera to detain us. The Lichenomphalias are basidiomycetes (rather than ascomycetes like most lichens) and have what appears to be a mushroom (maybe it is a “mushroom”!) rising from the thallus below. A rather other worldly thing to record as the last species of the day!  

Pete Martin. Photos by Pete Martin and Chris Cant


Helbeck Trip Report 19-05-22

I’d not heard of Helbeck Wood until recently, though I knew the silhouette of Fox Tower and the haze of trees beneath it from journeys over the A66. The SSSI citation describes it as “considered by some to be the best ash-elm wood left on limestone in England”. Access has always been difficult or strictly limited, and yet it stands out on the species maps as one of only 4 grid squares in Westmorland with over 140 species found (most of the records date from the 1970s). One member of the CLBG knows the family who own it, so we had a way in…

… but first I had to do a reconnaissance (health and safety you know). I had a grid reference on the GPS for Lobaria pulmonaria found in 2015, and headed for that. I followed the one track through thick woodland; lots of young ash trees; drifts of bluebells and ramsons. It was too dark for much lichen growth on the young trees, but the bigger, older ones had lots of Thelotrema lepadinum which seemed promising. The path narrowed, led to a mire and stopped. Machine guns rattled on the military range next door. The bearing led me up onto a block scree studded with flowers: woodruff, early purple orchids and hairy rock cress stand out in the memory. I never made it to the grid reference. Because before I got there I found 3 other trees with Lobaria pulmonaria and one with Nephroma laevigatum. A pied flycatcher lured me up to an easier return route via another Lobaria tree. Things augured well for the proper group trip.

And so it was that eight of us formed the lichen party on a dry and sunny – if cool – morning. We moved more slowly through the lower woods: there was lots of regeneration, even if much of it was ash and suffering from obvious dieback. We found lots of Thelotrema lepadinum (again), and more Cliostomum griffithii than I’m used to, together with the usual Cumbrian woodland species. A young waxy thallus caused some confusion – but turned out to be Pyrenula chlorospila. We don’t see a lot of Pyrenulas. A green isidiate species is thought to be Bacidina sulphurella, or modesta as it has been renamed. There was plentiful Lecanactis abietina on the drier side of trees. Normandina pulchella was found growing on the same piece of liverwort as Micarea lignaria. The flowers were a frequent distraction. Today’s artillery sound was a series of deep “crumps”.

Slowly, we moved uphill from bluebell patch to bluebell patch. And then came out into more open rocky terrain and sunshine. The first Lobaria pulmonaria tree was found: Peltigera horizontalis and Bilimbia sabuletorum kept it company. Together with a lovely clump of wood sorrel. The more open landscape gave some limestone species, and then the party split: some went in search of more Lobaria, some returned the easier way.

The Lobaria party report that the steep upper slopes of the wood show the underlying limestone with many small outcrops. In one area, semi-vegetated scree, consisting of smaller loose rocks, changes to a jumble of huge blocks each the size of a van, presumably left by the action of ice on the limestone scar above. Deep shaded cavities between these boulders provide a damp mossy habitat. Thalli of Dermatocarpon miniatum 5+cm across were widespread growing directly on the rock, along with Caloplaca xantholyta, Lepraria nivalis and many jelly lichens. Here, there are scattered ancient ash trees, appearing significantly older than any seen lower down. We were heading to a good grid reference for an ash supporting Lobaria pulmonaria, reported in 2015. One tree at that location had split, with half now fallen, still with some L. pulmonaria on the bark. However the standing part had a larger patch. A healthy colony of Nephroma laevigatum was on an adjacent tree. Within 10m or so we found a total of five ash trees with L pulmonaria, four of which had not been previously reported, with a small amount fertile (not common in Cumbria). Also on ash in the vicinity were two instances of Mycobilimbia pilularis (pinky-brown convex fruit on a green-grey thallus) and Gyalecta flotowii (tiny semi-immersed pale orange discs with a thick margin) which was confirmed later by examining spores microscopically. One smooth-barked young ash had Pyrenula chlorospila (also seen lower in the wood), not common in Cumbria though more frequent in southern England, with a waxy pale brown-orange thallus and very small perithecia. This specimen also had an outer ring of pycnidia (minute dots where asexual spores are made) which are not mentioned in the literature for P chlorospila, though common in other Pyrenula species.

The “easy route” party found Strigula taylorii on Sycamore in the darker part of the wood, Normandina pulchella growing on Parmelia saxatilis, and picked up some species in the parkland trees. As a final shot, Diploicia canescens was found growing on an oak tree just by the hall. Whilst not a rare species, I’ve not sure I’ve seen it growing on trees in Cumbria before.

We made over 140 records, including I think over 15 new species for the site. And it felt as though there was plenty more ground to be explored. A big thank you to the owners for letting us visit. A concern, obviously, is that most of the rarer species are on ash trees. So far, the older ones seem to be surviving in the face of dieback, but it remains to be seen what the next few years will bring to this remarkable place.  

Pete Martin and Caz Walker

Photos by Pete Martin and Chris Cant

Bryophyte Lichen Trip report

Brantwood trip report 18-03-22


A beautiful spring day saw a record turnout for a visit to Brantwood, the home of John Ruskin from 1871 to 1900. The Brantwood Estate covers nearly 90 hectares with a range of different habitats present from lakeshore and garden to oak woodland, gills, mires and upland heath. The general objective of the day was to visit each of these habitats if possible, and generate a decent list of species.

After a general introduction in the orchard, nine bryologists and five enthusiastic estate staff headed into the gardens, leaving the lichenologists examining the apple trees. The short walk from the car park to the Moss Garden produced 38 species, mostly common garden bryophytes but with some good woodland species too such as Dicranum majus and Nowellia curvifolia, plus indicators of base-rich rock and soil, such as Ctenidium molluscum, Neckera complanata and Tortella tortuosa. In the Moss Garden a lush carpet of mostly Rhytidiadelphus loreus under wide spaced oaks produced a stunning visual effect, despite (or perhaps because of) the dominance of one species. Closer inspection revealed several other species here including Tetraphis pellucida on a dead tree stump.

The group then moved swiftly on to Beck Leven, the watercourse which marks the southern boundary of the estate. Oceanic species such as Jubula hutchinsae, Hyocomium armoricum, Plagiochila spinulosa, Platyhypnidium riparoides, and Saccogyna viticulosa were all readily found, together with other more widespread but distinctive mosses of wet places such as Hookeria lucens, Thamnobryum alopecurum and Dichodontium pellucidum. A nice patch of Jamesoniella autumnalis was found on a nearby oak. After lunch, we followed the beck up onto Crag Head, a large intake which includes the highest point on the estate (230m). Fantastic views across Coniston Water to the Old Man and Wetherlam were a temporary distraction until we found the first of a series of mires which produced several sphagna (Sphagnum subnitens, S. capillifolium and S. papillosum) together with Aulocomium palustre and Breutelia chrysocoma. A larger mire with bog pools proved to be more base-rich with Sphagnum contortum, Scorpidium revolvens and S cossonii, and Campylium stellatum. Thuidium delicatulum and Dicranum bonjeanii were also found here.

Descending back through the woods, a small overhanging rockface produced one of the best records for the day, a single patch of Bartramia halleriana with capsules. Our last habitat to visit was the lakeshore. Fontinalis antipyretica was found to be abundant just below the waterline, whilst Cinclidotus fontinalis was frequent on rocks. A small rocky headland gave a last minute boost to the species list with Frullania fragilifolia, Pterogonium gracile, and Trichostomum brachydontium.

At the end of the day, a small group of bryologists and lichenologists reconvened at Brantwood’s Terrace cafe for a much needed cup of tea. A total of 119 bryophytes were recorded on the estate. Many thanks to Brantwood for hosting the visit, and to their staff for their enthusiasm and for making us so welcome.

Kerry Milligan – photos from Kerry Milligan and Clare Shaw


A large group including nine lichenologists gathered at Brantwood, 19th century home of John Ruskin, on the east shore of Coniston on a fine spring day. We were joined for a while by estate staff who were keen to find out what lichens and bryophytes they have. There have been no lichen records for Brantwood since 1965 when 42 species were recorded. First stop was the apple orchard, with a dozen small fruit trees grey with bushy lichens and a simple wooden fence equally covered with thalli. Pete gave the group a brief introduction to lichens and found plenty of examples to illustrate the main growth forms. We then recorded as many species as we could, a total of 29 lichens on trees and fence.

What happened next was a new experience for the group – a visit to the cafe for coffee and cake – followed by the more familiar episode of getting absorbed by car park lichens on stone retaining walls including Scytinium teretiusculum. Eventually we tore ourselves away and headed uphill, through the gardens, to the oak woods on the slopes above. Pete was nursing an injured knee so stayed on level ground, talking to the staff and visiting the lake shore where he found Candelaria concolor on ash, along with other lichens.

The oaks above the house looked even-aged as if planted 100-200 years ago, with an understory of hazel, holly and an occasional ash and hawthorn. Most trees had acidic bark, based on the lichen flora we saw, but there was plenty to admire including Parmelia ernstiae, Micarea alabastrites, Arthonia spadicea, Anisomeridium ranunculosporum and a good range of acidic habitat species. The beginners in the group were keen to look at the tiny features on many of the lichens, such as the coarse and fine soredia on Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta and H revoluta.

The boundary wall between wood and field had a good range of crustose lichens including Trapelia coarctata and Opegrapha gyrocarpa, while that on the opposite side of the field had Coenogonium luteum on moss, Baeomyces rufus, Diploschistes scruposus and Psilolechia lucida, amongst others. A birch in the field gave us Graphis elegans and Fuscidea lightfootii and a hazel inside the next strip of woodland was heaving with Normandina pulchella and Thelotrema lepadinum. We looked at crustose aquatic lichens in the beck for a while and kept an eye open for Dermatocarpon luridum  having heard a rumour from the bryologists, who’d been there earlier, that itwas spotted but we didn’t see that.

Before heading back towards the car park we visited an oak obviously larger and older than the others – just as well as it had several small patches of Parmeliella triptophylla on the north side of the trunk illustrating the point that oaks can become less acid-barked with age.

Some of the group were lured back to the cafe for a second time before leaving which sets a worrying precedent for future trips…..

Footnote: Pete’s specimens from the lakeshore included one which later turned out to be Normandina acroglypta. So far the total of species seen in all locations stands at about 90 with a few more possible once specimens are examined.

Caz Walker with photos from Judith Allinson, Pete Martin and Chris Cant

Bryophyte Lichen

Bryophyte and Lichen Training, February 2022

Thanks to funding from Natural England and extra funding support from the British Lichen Society, we were able to run two-day training sessions in February 2022 for both bryologists and lichenologists. The funding also included the purchase of microscopes which will be held by Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre available for loans; we expect to have these available at our forthcoming indoor id sessions. The funding also includes the purchase of textbooks and equipment sundries, also available to group members.

Bryophyte training

On Wednesday 16th February, nine people interested in furthering their bryological identification skills via microscopy met at the Borrowdale Institute, Rosthwaite. Two aspects of the venue were ideal: firstly, its immediate proximity to some outstanding bryophyte assemblages in the local area (the “Atlantic temperate rainforest”, which thankfully is receiving more publicity in recent times via the work of Plantlife, Natural England and other bodies), and secondly, the splendidly refurbished Herdwick Suite itself, which was bright, well-appointed and spot on. It is important to thank David Freeman (of Natural England) for his work in organising the training, and also Natural England itself, for funding the activity.

            The training’s linchpin was Nick Hodgetts, who was our expert instructor. He, (I have to say), wore his extraordinary depth of knowledge and identification skills lightly, along with an affable and enthusiastic demeanour, throughout the two-day event: he helped in equal measure the least experienced of us, and the most, judging expertly how to support each person’s efforts. Here’s how the training unfolded……

            0900hrs, arrivals. David (and Clare Shaw, who deserves all our thanks for her admin and bryological support) had already prepped the room with suitable tables, chairs and electrical supply. We each brought our own ‘scopes (stereo and compound and associated kit). There was additional kit comprising good-quality (brand new!) ‘scopes, slides, pipettes, and other paraphernalia, via the generous support of Natural England and CBDC. Nick had brought in addition, a reference arsenal of bryology textbooks laid out to the front, which we all enjoyed perusing (and using for ID information).

            0930hrs, introductions and planning. We decided, as a group, to use the first few hours on a field visit to Johnny’s Wood, a 10-minute walk away, to collect samples for ID. Clare had prepped some of her own grid references for interesting species, so we made our way to an area with Hageniella micans, Herbertus aduncus, Bazzania tricrenata… all three of which (and many, many more species) were located and enjoyed. Nick pointed out species as they appeared, and took “requests” also. A recurring theme of the field visits was that if anyone mentioned they were keeping an eye out for a target species, Nick would then nonchalantly find it in minutes, explain the key ID features, and move off to help another group member. We knew heavy rain was on its way, and it duly arrived.

            1200hrs, squelched back to the Institute, de-kitted wet clothes, and got stuck into microscopy-aided ID of various specimens. Nick and Clare helpfully laid out some named examples at the front, plus some ID challenges for us. A few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

            1430hrs, Nick demonstrated and explained practical sectioning of leaves, then we all practised. More ID work enjoyably followed. Then, Nick led us in a guided talk-through of how to use a key based on leaf morphology (from Watson 2nd Ed) to accurately ID an unknown target sample – I think the whole group enjoyed and benefited from this action (which was repeated with other samples later). The rest of the afternoon’s session was individual ID work, supported by Nick and with a good measure of cooperative self-help between people also. Session closed around 1630hrs for some (needing to travel home) and nearer 1730hrs+ for those of us staying locally.

            0930hrs Thursday 17th February (day 2), a repeat of day 1. This time better weather. David selected a different part of the Johnny’s Wood site for us to visit, with the primary target species being Anastrepta orcadensis. A 20 minute walk-in saw us at the bottom of a gentle N-facing wooded slope…. which as we made our slow way up it, turned into a steeper, wooded boulder field, containing one of the most delightful and luxurious bryophyte-filled habitats I’ve ever seen. David found us the Anastrepta, and Nick continued to find us a rich variety of interesting species. And, to be fair, each of us worked on our own IDs, too. For example, Jim noted several species he then called the group’s attention to, as did Clare and Peter. For example, the group discussed (and saw) various Frullanias, including F fragilifolia (found) and F teneriffae (which we thought we may have found, but subsequent microscopical work proved that we hadn’t – a perfect example of why microscopy is invaluable in bryology ID.) We did see Scapania umbrosa, Lepidozia pearsonii, Thuidium spp, some Sphagna including subnitens, and others.

            1300hrs back to the Institute. The whole afternoon, more ‘scope work, more sectioning, and another interesting exemplar use of a key. Nick also agreed to support ID of various specimens some of us had brought along. The weather was, however, deteriorating and snow was forecast to come in. Hence, we all agreed that discretion would be the better option, and the training closed down around 1530hrs for some, and not much later for all. A spirited (and rapid) group effort saw the kit disassembled and packed up, tables wiped, stacked and the room made ready for departure.

            In summary, I feel all participants developed their skills and their confident enjoyment of microscopical work with bryophytes. The whole atmosphere was warm, purposeful and relaxed; a good place to finish is to once more thank Nick Hodgetts for all his work, thank Natural England for the grant, and to note that all of us will be looking forwards to the next CLBG bryo event.

Gary Lawrence

Photos from Clare Shaw

Lichen Training

To identify some lichens to species you need to look at the thallus, fruit and pycnidia under microscopes, typically doing sections using a razor blade at low magnification under a “dissecting microscope”, then using a “compound microscope” to look at the microscopic details at higher magnification – more info.

Two days of microscope training from John Douglass aimed to ensure everyone could do the basics, moving on to cover more advanced techniques that are helpful.

The course was held in Mungrisdale Village hall, where the facilities were excellent. The 10 attendees each had a table for themselves, giving plenty of space for microscopes and other equipment. These were well spaced out, which contributed to an atmosphere where concentration was needed to practise what was being taught.

The sessions covered:

  1. Squashes, sections and spores. Including identifying and measuring the different layers, dealing with pycnidia, applying K & C under cover slips & oil immersion
  2. Identifying ascus tips & staining, including use of ink/vinegar and Lugol’s Iodine to stain the medulla.
  3. Use of polarising filters to see crystals.
  4. Identifying photobionts – algae and cyanobacteria

In spite of having read about these aspects it was really helpful to see the techniques demonstrated and have dedicated time to try them out. There is no short cut to making thin sections other than practise and a sharp razor blade. John Douglass was on hand to show us various refinements to the techniques such as the amounts of chemicals to use, how to apply them and how to transfer sections of apothecia. It takes endless patience which he certainly has. John and others brought previously identified specimens for participants to practise on which helpfully gave known outcomes.

The meeting provided a much needed opportunity to obtain polarising filters, chemicals and dropper bottles. These events take a lot of organising, much of which is “unseen” and so thanks to John, Caz and Chris plus the funders who enabled this to happen.

These sessions gave people confidence to have a go at microscopy in a supportive atmosphere and to realise that it is do-able.

Some comments from attendees:

  • “I was so glad I managed to get to the microscope training. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a couple of years now.”
  • “A very big thank you to everyone who helped to arrange and deliver the microscope training this week.
    “What did I learn? First, that microscope work on lichens is doable. It’s fiddly, and it may go wrong, but you just have to get stuck in and try again. And second, everyone struggles at times; it isn’t just me.
    “But when it works, it opens up a whole new world, and I begin to see how it will make a big difference. I might even be able to follow Dobson’s main key now!”
  • “For the last couple of years I have been trying to pluck up courage to buy microscopes. As a complete technophobe could I even cope with setting them up?  Then this workshop appeared and it was the push I needed. 
    “The workshop was a fantastic help. A refresher on some things, some new ideas and great support from everyone. It was really helpful to see other people’s work and get a better grip on what we were looking at.  John’s PowerPoint presentations were very clear and he was incredibly helpful.
    “My find of the day turned out not to be a lichen at all!”
  • “Very informative and inspiring! Many thanks.”
  • “A week on from the event, I’m fired up to try out sectioning and staining lichens. I’m really looking forward to any follow ups.”
  • “I’d be keen to attend the saxicolous crust training when it happens- I’m keen to start learning these, so I will look out for emails.”


Storm Arwen Twigs

I’ve often wondered about canopy lichens: are the same species found at the top of trees as on branches lower down? Are the sticks I pick up from the ground representative of what’s going on above?

It’s an ill wind

Storm Arwen gave an opportunity to find out. Strong winds (from the north!) barrelled down the Rydal Beck valley and caused mayhem with the trees around Ambleside. Woodland trees crashed like dominoes, many isolated veterans fell. Those on the roches moutonnées fared worst, especially the conifers. Local tree surgeons said there’d been nothing like it since 1989. Thankfully, I don’t think any of the special trees in Rydal Park succumbed. But it wasn’t just trees. Some were left without power for days; many houses needed roof work. Tragically, there was a fatality in Rothay Park.

Conifers were perhaps the worst affected
Conifers were perhaps the worst affected
Things have changed at Loughrigg Brow
Things have changed at Loughrigg Brow
Rydal Park
Rydal Park

But Arwen also brought the canopy within view. So a couple of weeks after the event I spent two days looking at twigs. In each of seven areas within a kilometre or so of the village I picked five fallen trees/ large boughs (in one area I miscounted and looked at a sixth tree!). For each of those trees I picked three “twigs”: the first I came to, the last I’d pass as I walked by, and the one in the middle that seemed to protrude furthest.  For each “twig” I tried to identify (and count) the species of lichen that grew on the outermost 70cm (the length of my folded trekking pole). Each species was counted only once per twig. Those that were unidentifiable in the field were taken home for microscopy.

A lot of lichens came down with the trees
A lot of lichens came down with the trees

In total I obtained 540 records, from 108 twigs. I managed to give 45 names to lichen: some were only identifiable to genus/group, often because they were too young to have developed reproductive features. I made no attempt to identify beyond “ Lecanora chlarotera sensu latu”. A couple of “mystery” specimens remain unnamed. I’m sure I missed some, and a more experienced lichenologist would no doubt have found more.

The “top ten” species (by number of twigs) are in the table below:

Parmelia sulcata51( also 1 Parmelia unidentifiable to species)
Melanelixia subaurifera48 
Physcia tenella36(also 7 Physcia unidentifiable to species)
Physcia aipolia34 
Evernia prunastri32 
Lecanora “chlarotera” s.l.30 
Punctelia subrudecta27 
Hypotrachyna revoluta sensu strictu24(also 36 Hypotrachyna revoluta s.l)
Lecidella elaechroma24 
Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta21(also 36 Hypotrachyna revoluta s.l.)

Perhaps there are no really big surprises. But I wasn’t expecting Parmelia sulcata to be the “most common” species. I was surprised at how frequent Melanelixia subaurifera was, and also how much Physcia aioplia there was. Young lobes of H. revoluta/afrorevoluta that didn’t display soredia mean they feature lower down in the top ten. Parmelia saxatilis wasn’t anything like as common as I was expecting: I’d never noticed its relative scarcity on twigs compared to branches/trunks.

The next table shows the species that were “bubbling under”, with between 10 and 20 records.

Ramalina farinacea16 
Hypogymnia tubulosa15(also 12 to Hypogymnia genus)
Arthopyrenia punctiformis15 
Parmelia saxatilis15 
Caloplaca cerinella13 
Usnea subfloridana11 
Xanthoria parietina10 

It was pleasing to note that Xanthoria parietina was not that common, but Caloplaca cerinella (also thought to favour nutrient enrichment) seemed very widespread.

And it’s here that absences/“rarities” begin to show up. Hypogymnia physodes was only found once (though maybe some of the young Hypogymnias were that species). Platismatia glauca was only found once, though was common enough further down twigs and on branches: it obviously doesn’t develop on the younger, thinner stems. Physcia adscendens, which I see relatively rarely in my home square, wasn’t found at all (though some of the young Physcia without soredia might have been that species).

Many foliose species commonly seen on tree trunks/larger branches only appeared once or twice, for example: Flavopermelia caperata, Normandina pulchella, Parmotrema perlatum, Hypotrachyna laevigata and Melanelixia glabratula. Melanelixia exasperata, which I’d previously thought of as being rare, occurred 5 times. Maybe it’s more common that I had thought. I found Arthopyrenia cineropruinosa  for the first time and found one specimen of Eopyrenula grandicula, a species not recorded in Westmorland until last year but that I’m beginning to think is relatively common in South Lakeland.   

The mean number of species found per twig was 5. Eight twigs has no lichen visible on them, the most on any one twig was 12. Most of the trees looked at (26/36) were oaks. These proved to have a higher mean number of species per twig (oak mean: 5.53, non-oak mean: 3.6). No non-oak twig managed more than 9 species, though an impressive old cherry did manage 9, 8 and 8 species on its 3 twigs.

Whilst the mean species per twig was 5, it differed between twigs: that for both the first and third twig per tree was 4.7, for the middle twig it was 5.58. Perhaps the twig that sticks out the furthest gets more species of lichen on it than those lower down.

Examining trees in distinct areas enabled comparisons between the number of species found in each area. The two woodlands surveyed produced two of the three lowest mean number of species per twig, 2.5 and 4.66. Trees surveyed in woodlands were more likely to be “not oaks”, but discounting non-oaks still gave woods the lowest and third lowest means. So there would appear to be fewer species on woodland trees than those in parks/ farmland/ wood pasture.

Overall, there did not appear to be a relationship between the number of species and distance from the village. However, for particular species there may well be: Usnea subfloridana was not found in Rothay Park or on Stoney Lane, the areas nearest the village. As for nitrogen loving/tolerant species, plotting total of Physcia/Xanthoria species against distance from the village centre  suggested an inverse relationship, though it was not significant at 95% level.  It would appear that they are more common nearer the village and Rydal Farm, and less common further away and in woodlands. Whilst 7/10 Xanthoria records were near the village or farm, the widespread occurrence of Physcia species suggests nitrogen pollution is beginning to have an effect across a wider area: it may be worth exploring this further.

As ever, a simple study like this has thrown up more questions than it answered, as well as getting me looking at twigs more carefully. I’ve learnt something new about which lichens grow where on a tree; that some lichens I think are common are maybe less so and vice versa. It would be interesting to compare these results with trees from other areas, particularly further away from built up areas and in the Cumbrian lowlands. Roll on the next storm? No, I’m not asking for another one.

Pete Martin

Bryophyte Lichen Trip report

Thorneythwaite Trip report 20-01-22


The Bryophyte contingent was smaller than recently with only four attending on a super blue-sky day. Thornythwaite Wood is owned by the National Trust and is considered one of their top five woods in Borrowdale for bryophytes.  Ben Averis produced an excellent bryophyte report for NT in 2017 and included target notes, grid refs and photos of many of the rarer species. We therefore decided to break with tradition and head directly to find interesting species none of us had seen before.

Thornythwaite Wood has more of the look of a fellside with scattered trees than a closed canopy woodland. This enabled us to walk to the target location without stopping as the bracken-covered fell had limited interest. 

Our first stop was Combe Beck just above the waterfall. Here the beck was braided with numerous boulders. Clare and Gary quickly found a boulder on an island in the beck with Gymnomitrium crenulatum and Gymnomitrium obtusum growing in quantity next to each other. Clare then found Scapania compacta growing close by. We all had a good look and enjoyed this species, also found by Kerry at Glencoyne. As is typical of groups and rarer plants, whilst we all looked at the same boulder, some of the photos and specimens may well have been of other Scapanias. The compacta was later confirmed. (An additional species to Ben Averis’s very impressive list of 177 species.)

Other species seen around here included Hyocomium armoricum, Lophozia incisa and Scapania gracilis.

 We then headed down stream past the waterfall to a rock detailed in Ben’s report on the west side of the beck facing east just below the waterfall. The photo helped to confirm the correct boulder.  On this boulder we all enjoyed seeing Colura calyptrifolia on the vertical face. This rare species is very small but also distinctive. On this same rock was Harpalejeunea molleri and a long list of other species including Lejeunea patens. Nearby we also saw Plagiochila spinulosa and Hygrohypnum eugyrium.

We then headed up the hillside to another Ben Averis location. Gary lead us directly to Ben’s location for Adelanthus decipiens which we all admired and photographed. Only one clump. Just below it were a scratty few strands of Sematophyllum micans, mentioned in Ben’s report. We were fairly doubtful but Gary confirmed one strand later.

We then walked south and climbed towards Glaramara and then headed west down into the valley above Seathwaite Bridge. We then followed a small gill down the steep fellside towards further Ben Averis locations. On the way we saw Mylia taylorii, Frullania tamarisci growing unusually in a wet flush, and Sphagnum inundatum (but not conclusively identified!).

Using Ben’s photos we located Bartramia halleriana which unfortunately lacked capsules making recognition more of a challenge. Nearby was Plagiochila punctata. We looked carefully for Herbertus hutchinsiae but despite having a photo and grid ref we couldn’t locate. This distinctive drought intolerant species was possibly much reduced by last years dry spring and summer.

We then headed further down the same slope and located another Ben Averis site, a stone by the stream under an ash tree. This had some good colonies of Plagiochila exigua which would appear to have increased in quantity from 2017. This was also a new species for us all which we were very pleased to see. A rare but distinctive species. The stone also supported Lejeunea patens and Lejeunea cavifolia. In this general area we also saw Hygrohypnum subeugyrium and Fontinalis antipyretica.

As the sun was about to set we headed down the slope and walked along the footpath back to the car park. Thornythwaite Wood is a very good bryophyte location and we all felt it would be worth a further visit. 

Peter Bullard

Photos by Gary Lawrence and Clare Shaw


On a cold and frosty morning, seven lichen hunters gathered in the car park at Thorneythwaite. And quickly realized we were on the cold and shady side of Borrowdale, as golden sun lit up the fells and Seathwaite woods. Ho hum. The frost never melted for us all day.

Ivan Day had compiled a site list for the National Trust in 2017, so we were following in illustrious footsteps. And it was obvious that we weren’t going to be able to cover anything like the whole of the area. So where should we go? Well, we started off with the nearest area: the acid-barked oaks at the north end of the wood. There were some good examples of the Parmelion community, including coral-like Sphaerophorus globosus and leafy Cetrelia olivetorum, red-flecked Mycoblastus sanguinarius and the chunky jam tarts of Ochrolechia tartarea.  We found good quantities of the barnacle-like Thelotrema lepadinum. A new species for the site was Micarea alabastrites, with white apothecia and a C+red reaction. The trees proved ideal for showing less-experienced members of the group some important lichen features. They, in turn, noticed that we performed a dance around a tree in the sun. By-catch included an impressive moth that turned out to be a Spring Usher.

After a lunchtime sitting in the relative warmth of the sun , we headed off back into the shade in search of an ash tree where Caz had found Nephroma laevigatum some years ago. If you don’t know it, it’s a smooth and leafy member of the Lobarion community. And it wasn’t on Ivan’s list. We found ash trees and Peltigera horizontalis, and more Thelotrema lepadinum. Heading south there were more hazels, which gave us Pachyphiale carneola. Protopannaria pezizoides was found on a mossy log: it well deserves its name of “lentil bake lichen”. And we disturbed a barn owl (sorry, but how was I to know there was a hole in the back of the tree I was looking at?).

We had a grid ref for Caz’s Nephroma, but that covered 100m x 100m of slow-to-move-across boulders and trees. Chris found an old ash pollard with the antiseptic smelling Parmeliella triptophylla: maybe we were getting close. We headed up slope a little and then came the cry from Paul: had he found the Nephroma? Yes, there it was, with a little more Parmeliella and lots of Normandina pulchellaThelotrema lepadinum and Peltigera horizontalis on the same tree: a good example of the Lobarion community.

Time was getting on: but maybe there was enough light to try for the Sticta sylvatica Ivan had found in 2017? We contoured further south, passed the bryologists in the beck and came to the old elm under which the Sticta had lingered on an outcrop. But, sad to say, the elm had toppled over, and we couldn’t find any sign of the Sticta. There was lots of the frilly jelly lichen Leptogium lichenoides however, and the similar but smaller L. teretiusculum.

The journey back to the cars through lovely evening light gave us more Nephroma laevigatum on another ash pollard. A barn owl flew across; was it the same one as earlier? Thorneythwaite had proved to be a great site, with plenty of scope for other visits. But then we seem to say that every time we go anywhere!

Pete Martin

2017 video of Ivan Day on Thorneythwaite’s rare lichens:

Photos by Chris Cant, Pete Martin, Geoffrey Haigh and John Adams