Lichen Trip report

Alcock Tarn lichen trip report – 16 July 2024

A slow climb to Alcock Tarn.

Mid July and I feared that the central Lakes would be very busy;  have no parking; experience torrential downpours and be full of biting insects. But none of these were true for our Alcock Tarn trip!

In a break with tradition, we didn’t get distracted on our journey from meeting point to target area. Well, that’s not quite true. As we ascended out of Bracken Fell woods we succumbed to the lure of an outcrop. It was the ideal place to outline lichen basics to the newcomers: there was Lepra corallina, Rhizocarpon geographicum, Stereocaulon vesuvianum and Ophioparma ventosa. Some Cladonias too. It was a good half hour before we moved on up the zigzags. There was a boulder with Ephebe lanata on it. And an emerging dragonfly to examine: a female Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea) I think.

But we quickly found another outcrop to distract us, and an oak tree with Normandina pulchella. By the time we’d examined a hawthorn with a wide variety of foliose species and particularly nice “dancing” Pseudevernia furfuracea it was time for lunch. On the crag nearby was the bright yellow Arthrorhaphis citrinella.

After a break, our slow ascent continued. An impressive metal pipe boasted a number of metalliferous lichens: Placopsis lambii, Rhizocarpon oederi, Scoliciosporum umbrinum, Stereocaulon pileatum (“fuzzy headed Fisher Price” people as Rebecca Yahr once described them) and Ionaspis lacustris.

To our surprise, we caught up with the bryophyte party ( but only briefly). Ash limbs had impressive Platismatia glauca (frilly lettuce) and Parmelina pastillifera. The jelly lichens on a boulder in the beck- Collema glebulentum and Scytinium pulvinatum– maybe suggested a basic influence.

On the move again we found Lichenomphalia ericetorum on an old stump base- and L. hudsoniana too. Bird perches had piles of bones: and Candelariella vitellina; flat outcrops had Sphaerophorous fragilis, the first Acarospora fuscata of the day and pruinose blisters of Lasallia pustulata.

A final push brought us to the tarn. There were Mallards, Water Horsetail and Lesser Spearwort, together with impressive views. But somehow, having reached the goal, we didn’t have any desire to push on. Would there be more at Butter Crags? We’ll have to leave that for another day. Needless to say, it didn’t take very long to descend at all. But we had found nearly 100 species on our slow climb…

Text: Pete Martin
Photos: Pete Martin, Chris Cant, Paul Hanson

Lichen Trip report

Carlin Gill Lichen Trip Report 15 June 2024

The forecast was wet and that’s how it turned out for this exploration of an upland valley cutting east into the Howgill Fells. At least at the start we had an hour without precipitation during which time we got about 200m from the road. Disconcertingly, we were in VC65 North Yorkshire the whole time as the boundary runs down the centre of the beck.

The fear beforehand had been that there wouldn’t be enough lichen interest as it was apparent there wasn’t much visible rock in the lower reaches of the gill, other than boulders in the beck. However, there were very small outcrops of Silurian sedimentary bedrock protruding through the turf. These were enough to show that there was a significant basic element according to the lichens, Peltigera leucophlebia spotted later on being the most striking. This was also borne out by John’s observation of Green spleenwort and Yellow saxifrage, indicator plant species for alkalinity. But the smattering of yellow Rhizocarpon geographicum and Porpidia species showed at least some rock was more acidic – were we having the best of both worlds?

A boulder in the beck had a good ornithocoprophilous community – Protoparmeliopsis muralis and Physcia aipolia, the latter normally on bark, were there as well as tiny fruticose Xanthoria ucrainica and the only thallus of the nitrophilous X parietina seen during the visit. Physcia tenella and P adscendens were also there. The saxicolous crusts with aquatic leanings Ionaspis lacustris and Rhizocarpon lavatum were found, as well as Rhizocarpon petraeum with concentric rings of apothecia. Trapelia placodioides, another indicator of less acidic rock, showed a good C+ red reaction. Banks of shingle bordered the beck where occasional flood disturbance keeps the vegetation down and here there were terricolous Cladonia spp with Peltigera membranacea and P hymenina. A willow and hawthorn which had managed to survive by growing out of vertical rock gave us a few corticolous species, but these were the only trees seen. We might have expected some jelly lichens but saw none, though it was hard to tell what was on some of the very wet rocks. Nor did we find the Dermatocarpon which had been seen in this monad previously.

Another species usually on trees was seen up the slope as we headed back. Lepra albescens was growing on exposed bedrock and spreading over bryophytes. LGBI3 says “rarely on weakly basic siliceous rocks, porous sandstones, sometimes overgrowing mosses and plant detritus on the ground”. All chemical tests on the specimen taken proved negative which is right for this species.

Several stonefly exuvia were found on rocks by the beck. Paul pointed out that their presence indicates good water quality as these aquatic insects are the first to disappear when a watercourse is polluted. The dipper suggested reasonable water quality too.

After lunch under the dripping hawthorn we soldiered on, trying to believe that the rain had eased. But with dampness seeping through waterproofs, and further precipitation setting in, we decided to head back to the cars, all of half a mile away. White water was visible in the steeper sections of beck higher up when we looked back. It’s definitely a place to be revisited on a dry day.

Text: Caz Walker
Photos: John Adams, Paul Hanson, Pete Martin

Lichen Trip report

Side Wood Ennerdale Lichen Report 16 May 2024

The May meeting took place at Side Wood, on the southern shores of Ennerdale Water. Side Wood was previously part of the adjacent Ennerdale Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) but now lies within the Pillar and Ennerdale Fells SSSI. The SSSI citation states that the site exhibits one of the best examples of altitudinal succession in England. From upland birch-oak woodland at 120m on the shores of the lake, the vegetation changes through sub-montane heaths and grasslands to montane heaths along the summit ridge at an altitude of 890m.

Side Wood is one of the best examples of upland birch-oak woodland (National Vegetation Classification (NVC) community W11 Quercus petraea-Betula pubescens-Oxalis acetosella woodland) in west Cumbria. The citation describes lichen communities within the woodland as being of regional importance “with rare Ochrolechia inversa occurring abundantly on birch”. This species has been re-named Lecanora alboflavida since the citation was written.

We met up at Bowness Knott Car Park and then car-shared and travelled along a gated track to another parking area, closer to Side Wood. After crossing a few open fields, which held little to distract us, we arrived at the edge of the wood and our first tree; a not very healthy-looking hawthorn, with many of the common species such as Evernia prunastri, Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta and Ramalina farinacea present. It was at this point that a passerby stopped and asked us if we were looking at lichens by any chance. He had recently listened to a very interesting and informative podcast by somebody called Pete Martin! Pete was duly pointed out and delivered an impromptu short introduction to lichen thallus types.

Venturing further into the wood it could be seen that the best trees for lichen were the mature birch. The mature oak trees were mostly covered in dense mats of mosses and liverworts, as were the majority of rocks on the woodland floor. It was good to see some extensive patches of Wilson’s filmy-fern Hymenophyllum wilsonii though, a species mostly frequently occurring in western Scotland, Cumbria, Wales and Devon/Cornwall.

One of the first notable lichens found was Lecanora alboflavida, on birch. It was quite non-descript with a yellowish sorediate crust, with a C+ orange reaction but was easy to distinguish from surrounding lichens by the very bright UV+orange reaction. It seemed to be frequent on birch throughout the woodland. Other frequent species throughout the woodland included Thelotrema lepadinum and Hypotrachyna laevigata.

As we climbed further up the hillside the number of midges also increased, encouraged by the warm weather and still conditions. Despite this distraction though, lots more interesting species were recorded. The highlight for me (being a relative beginner) was the fertile Bunodophoron melanocarpum, with its large black spore-covered apothecia, growing on damp rock, high up in the woodland. We also found large amounts of non-fertile Bunodophoron growing on rocks and trees and the closely related Sphaerophorus globosus growing on birch trunks. The damp rocks were also the location of another very attractive species; Icmadophila ericetorum, which Pete said is often referred to by the slightly less attractive name of “fairy vomit”; a very good description though! Close-by to the fairy chunks was a small patch of Lichenomphalia umbellifera thallus, consisting of small clustered green granules. I have previously seen the toadstool-like fruiting body but not the granular thallus. An impressive patch of abundantly fertile Ochrolechia tartarea was also present on exposed rock.

Pete pointed-out Mycoblastus sanguinarius on birch which was very distinctive where apothecia had fallen out, revealing bright red spots formed by the medulla below. Another first for me was Coenogonium luteum, famous for being on the cover of the seventh edition of Dobson, but under the previous name of Dimerella lutea. The Coenogonium was growing on moss (Hypnum cupressiforme), attached to an oak tree, in a similar fashion to the way Normandina pulchella was growing on mossy trees.

Towards the end of the day me, Pete, Caz and Chris headed down towards the path which ran along the lake, to head back towards the cars. There was a bit of a breeze by the lake and fortunately the midges gave up following us around. It was here that Caz spotted another scarce species, Cetrelia olivetorum, growing at the base of an oak right next to the water. There was also a large patch of what could possibly have been some more Cetrelia, higher up on the trunk and out of reach. Luckily there was another large patch of what turned out to be Cetrelia on the base of a die-back ash on the opposite side of the lakeside footpath. The same ash also supported a small amount of Hypotrachyna sinuosa, another scarce species in Cumbria. After this we all headed back to the cars after what was a very enjoyable day. Apologies if I have missed out any important records as many of the lichens are still new to me.

Caz and Chris had also taken a sample of a species from hazel, thought to possibly be Porina aenea, in the field, but after microscopic examination of spores and pycnidia, turned out to be Dichoporis taylorii (formerly Strigula taylorii). This was new to Chris and Caz and is only the third record for vc70 Cumberland.

Text: Paul Hanson
Photos: Paul Hanson, Chris Cant and Pete Martin

Note: the records list currently includes 11 lichen species that appear in the Upland Rainforest Index (URI). If the URI species count is 10 or more then the site should considered as eligible to an SSSI – see page 24 here. Further species may in the rest of the wood – which we didn’t visit.

Lichen Trip report

Little Asby Lichen Report 14 April 2024

As a Yorkshire person from Craven, used to seeing Cumbria from a distance, I am really pleased to occasionally join the Cumbria group, and they make me very welcome.

Today’s visit was to Little Asby Common. A plateau of Carboniferous limestone grassland at about 320m with very thin soil, and with stretches of limestone pavement and thinly grassed over slabs where pavement had been removed in the past.  It was April and heads of Blue Moor-grass were bobbing in the wind. A dry stone wall separates the common land from the farmland at Little Asby to the east. A copse of about 10 trees next to that wall break up the otherwise locally treeless landscape. I see from the website the group visited Sunbiggin Tarn 3 miles away in August 2022, on a very, very hot dry day during the “Frank Dobson month”.  A contrast to today’s cold and windy April showers weather, but we did have cheerful sun in the morning.

The 8 bryologists were setting off to Ewe Fell Mire before I had even tied my shoelaces. We 10 Lichenologists settled for surveying land nearer at hand.  Two absolute beginners, three beginner-intermediates and maybe the other five of us as intermediates. Chris informed us that so far only one species had been recorded in this 1 km square.

First the stone wall at the boundary of the common land.  We didn’t find anything rare, but it is a good starting point – the wall is nearly all limestone but with a very few siliceous stones (erratics) to increase the species list.  And very civilised to be looking at things at nose height. No bending. The wooden posts at the cattle grid provided Micarea lignaria ; and Fuscidea lightfootii.

Then we walked west across the road towards a depression/dry valley.

There were views across the Eden Valley towards the North Pennine escarpment with a view up what they said is Scordale (High Cup Nick is a bit further north, and was hidden by a hill with trees between us).  To the right of the picture, and behind is Mickle Fell.

Little Asby view to Scordale
Little Asby view to Scordale

I got side-tracked by a small 30cm long siliceous rounded boulder with at least 20 species, which I got the others to look at on the way back: Maybe nothing special, but they add to the list:- Physcia caesia on the top was growing over Rhizocarpon reductum with its concentric rings of black apothecia. Neighbouring circular thalli with much smaller dark apothecia in a mosaic: was this Buellia aethalea? Yes, it turned orange with K.   Protoparmeliopsis muralis looking amazingly beautiful for such a common species.  Lots of tiny circular colonies of a yellow Caloplaca which I would call Caloplaca holocarpa.

I caught the others up:

I was delighted when Chris found some Toniniopsis verrucarioides, a parasitic lichen growing on Placynthium nigrum, on a Limestone outcrop buried rock. I have only seen it once before. Good to see it again so I can keep looking out for it and recognise it again.  Thirty minutes later whilst the others had settled for lunch, Chris, Caz, Peter and I explored a quarried mound. The rock was a slightly browner colour. There was much less lichen and soil on it. “What’s this lumpy stuff?” I asked. There were lumps of it in crevices sitting amongst more Placynthium nigrum. Yes, looking totally different, it was more Toniniopsis verrucarioides at the little stretch of north facing limestone outcrop which also provided shelter from the wind. They were revelling in Solorina saccata. “What is this beautiful moss?” asked one person – a lime green rounded tuft with shoots with a rosette of 4mm long  mat leaves with a very broad tip and the nerve not extending beyond the tip.  “Extinguisher Moss” I said “Candle snuff moss” I said, racking my brains to remember the Latin.

One person had to go early so I seized the opportunity to take a group photo whilst we were all here – see above. The sun came out. At lunch time some people had to depart early.  

Five of us enjoyed looking at a platform of limestone with Placidiopsis custnani.  And Thalloidima sedifolium (formerly  Toninia sedifolia) ?

The remaining five progressed to the limestone pavement area in time for it to start raining. – Still only April showers… if somewhat horizontal ones.

Pete found a gryke and submerged himself in it to avoid the pelting rain, which did soon pass.

Caz found four species of Peltigera (membranacea, rufescens, leucophlebia and neckeri). I wish I had seen the Peltigera neckeri.

We enjoyed looking at the Callome multipartita (Collema multipartitum) on the clints.

The afternoon was drawing on. We crossed to the copse of trees. Here we examined the branches that extended over our side of the wall and found various tree species but were especially pleased to find Parmelina tiliacea growing on a sycamore branch.

The Moss people passed us as they were returning from their exploits to the cars. We returned too… having not walked more than 300m in any direction from the cars. And gained a total of over 70 lichen species. A big improvement on the one record that had previously been recorded for that monad.

Post Script: –

After the others had gone I decided to go and get a photograph of the Encalypta streptocarpa (Spiral extinguisher-moss) and one of the Solorina saccata.

Whilst there I discovered patch of Peltigera canina, with its white furry rhizines that grow in a line touching each other at their base.. It was growing less than two metres from where we had been eating lunch.. A fifth Peltigera!   It is even in the group photo I took straight after lunch, near where the lady in purple is standing.  But it was windy then!! So pleased to have seen it. I think I have only seen it in Scotland before.

Text: Judith Allinson
Photos: Judith Allinson and Chris Cant

Lichen Trip report

Mollen Wood Lichen Report 14 March 2024

It was good to have a trip to the north of Cumbria. This time we really were north of the Wall (beyond the pale?) and Pete kindly arranged a detour on the drive in so we could see Birdoswald and Roman wall remnants right by the road. Our goal was an area of woodland now in three adjacent fragments, known as Mollen Woods. This is designated as a SSSI for its slope and wet valley alder woods, with ash and hazel throughout and birch on drier ground, and is described as unenclosed parkland. Lichens are mentioned in the citation which isn’t that common. Of these we saw one (Thelotrema lepadinum) but Usnea dasopoga and Peltigera horizontalis were not seen.

The weather was forecast to be horrible but after early rain it turned out almost dry. At the start the lichens were saturated, making recognition of species we can normally do more difficult – they become swollen and often change colour. This also makes them hard to photograph.

We parked at Askerton Castle, with permission, and the five of us in team lichen walked north for a mile on the road, taking in crustose lichens on a sandstone bridge – almost the only saxicolous habitat we saw. Reaching the edge of access land we struck out across very wet ground, heading for the main woodland but looked at a couple of old alder trees on the way. Alder has naturally acidic bark so it was no surprise to encounter species that like that pH – probably the most attractive of these are the pin lichens which have tiny apothecia on stalks, represented here by Chaenotheca ferruginea and C brunneola, growing on the drier north side of the trees. There were also sheets of slightly mauve-grey Lecanactis abietina, which we checked by seeing the C+red reaction of the pruina on the numerous peg-like pycnidia, and lots of leprose and sorediate crusts which are more challenging.

As usual a well-vegetated gate detained us before entering the wood proper where we began by looking at some understorey hazel trees. Immediately we saw what would, until recently, have been straightforward Graphis scripta but this is now recognised as a complex of species so, until we get our heads around that, we will be recording these as G scripta sensu lato = “in the broad sense”. There were other crusts too – copious Coniocarpon cinnabarinum in shades of pink-red, Thelotrema lepadinum in creamy sheets, buff sorediate Pyrrhospora quernea which was sometimes fertile and squamulose Normandina pulchella. On ash there was Peltigera praetextata on the mossy trunks where we also had a flurry of excitement thinking we’d found Bryobilimbia sanguineoatra but it turned out to be the commoner Bilimbia sabuletorum when we looked at the spores later. This can have variable apothecia, anywhere from pink to red-brown to black, and being very wet looked tantalisingly like something else. It prefers alkaline substrates and as this was the only instance on ash it suggests that most of these normally base-rich trees had been acidified. On fallen rotting trunks we had Lichenomphalia umbellifera, with a thallus of minute green globules containing algae, and fungal fruiting bodies in the form of small mushrooms, and Cladonia polydactyla, blue-grey with red apothecia. Micarea alabastrites was here too, delicate-looking white flat apothecia confirmed by a C+red reaction.

In the centre of the wood was a strange fenced area of large beech trees and an infestation of rhododendron. On the east side of this was more wet alder wood which we crossed. Here there were yet more sorediate crusts on acidic bark, including tiny punctiform yellowish soralia. Could this be a candidate for the elusive yet supposedly common Lecanora jamesii? There was also Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa on bark, usually a terricolous species. After a while, having not found many new species, we decided to head back to the cars.

There was discussion about why we were seeing the species we were, eg copious Hypotrachyna revoluta, Platismatia glauca and Parmelia in some places but missing in others. whilst other species we might expect were missing altogether, eg no acidophile Mycoblastus sanguinarius or Sphaerophorus globosus and only one Ochrolechia androgyna. Despite the habitat looking OK for them there was a general lack of canopy species, eg Usnea (sensitive to air pollution), either on the ground or when scanning upper branches, and a limited number of crustose species, though plenty of them. Suggestions for an explanation ranged from lower rainfall than elsewhere further west to lack of light getting in, as well as historic pollution – Carlisle and Dumfries are not far to the west and Newcastle to the east. The latter seems most likely, combined with past over-grazing and possible coppicing of some trees, which might mean they are not yet old enough to support well-developed lichen communities. This was supported by the odd shape of some of the hazel trees – very large-girth individual stems but few of them. Hazel is naturally multi-stemmed so one individual has a range of bark texture, from smooth young shoots to rougher old branches, so good for a variety of lichens. When this characteristic shape is lacking it usually suggests past heavy grazing, the tasty young shoots being constantly browsed off.

Hopefully we’ll be able to explore other parts of north Cumbria on future trips.

Text: Caz Walker. Photos: Caz Walker, Chris Cant, Paul Hanson, Pete Martin

Bryophyte Trip report

Mollen Wood Bryophyte Report 14 March 2024

Despite the forecast of  heavy rain all day, a respectable group gathered in Brampton to share cars to Askerton Castle. Mollen Wood Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)  is part of the Askerton Castle Organic Estate which lies 3km north of Hadrian’s Wall and about 15k south of the Scottish Border. The estate’s owners had  kindly granted access to the wood and permission to park at the farm, a kilometre to the south.  At 30ha the  SSSI is quite small, but is still one of the largest areas of wet Alder woodland remaining  in East Cumbria. Overlying  Carboniferous shales, it has a range of soil types from acidic to moderately base rich. There  are surprisingly few  existing records of lichens or bryophytes from the site, which was one of the motivations for the visit.

After a brisk walk along the road, the bryophyte contingent left the lichen party and plunged into the largest section of the SSSI (Mollen Wood sensu stricto). The lower part was very wet indeed and dominated almost exclusively by  Alder with old multi-stemmed trees and plenty of dead wood. A range of common mosses including Thuidium tamariscinum, Isothecium myosuroides. I alopecuroides,  Mnium hornum,  Calliergonella cuspidata and Polytrichum formosum were quickly found.  Closer inspection of the deadwood produced the  liverworts Lepidozia reptans and Riccardia palmata, and the diminutive moss Tetraphis pellucida with its distinctive gemmae cups. The numerous small watercourses flowing down into this area proved interesting with the mosses Ctenidium  molluscum, Rhizomnium punctatum, Sciurophypnum plumosum and Platyhypnidium riparoides,  and the liverworts Plagiochila porelloides and Scapania undulata all recorded here.  Patches of the rather liverwort-like moss  Hookeria lucens, with its huge cells easily visible under a x10 handlens, was present, and a single small patch of the attractive liverwort Trichocolea tomentella (Handsome Woollywort) was also found.

As we moved up-slope there was a gradual transition to drier, more acidic soils with a different suite of bryophytes present including Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Scapania gracilis, Loeskeobryum brevirostre, Dicranum majus and Hylocomium splendens. Dicranodontium denutatum  was frequent on dead wood, often with the liverwort Barbilophozia attenuata growing through it. Perhaps the two star finds of the day were Tritomaria exscecta and T exsectiformis growing  quite close together. These tiny  very similar liverworts live amongst other bryophytes  and are usually only found due to the red gemmae present on the leaf tips. Examination under the microscope is needed to see rounded  gemmae of T exsecta and the angular gemmae of  T exsectiformis

Despite the wetness of the site, it was late afternoon before we encountered any sphagna. A large patch of Sphagnum palustre with some S inundatum were found in a spring as we left the site. Ditches in the adjacent pasture also provided a diversion on the way back to the road with  Palustriella commutata, P falcata and Philonotis fontana amongst other things.

In the end  the rain mostly missed this remote corner of Cumbria and the group had a very interesting and enjoyable day. A total of  74 species were recorded  for monad NY5670.

Report by Kerry Milligan

Photos: Paul Ross (PR), Belinda Lloyd (BL), Ian Burrow (IB) and Kerry Milligan (KM)

Bryophyte Trip report

Clougha Pike bryophyte report February 2024

Three of us from CLBG (joined by David Shaw, a new member from Silverdale) ventured into new territory with a trip to Birk Bank, on the slopes of Clougha Pike in VC60 (Lancashire!). Paul Ross had previously visited the site, finding Colura calyptrifolia and Lepidozia cupressina, and thought it warranted further exploration. With woodland, quarries, block scree, a stream and flushes, the target monad had a good range of habitats. The underlying geology is acidic gritstone, but there was clearly some base-rich influence coming from somewhere as the flushes had various calcicole species, further increasing the range of species.

From the car park on Rigg Lane, we followed a dilapidated boardwalk around a mire and a path up into woodland, where we started recording. A stand of gorse had some fine patches of Colura calyptrifolia with starry perianths, while the mature oak trees had Cryphaea heteromalla, Metzgeria furcata, M. violacea and M. consanguinea, Microlejeunea ulicina and Cololejeunea minutissima, Ulota phyllantha and Orthotrichum pulchellum. Heading uphill, the edges of a flush had Sphagnum denticulatum and S. palustre, with Odontoschisma sphagni seemingly growing directly in the flush. Tree stumps had good quantities of Tetraphis pellucida, Lepidozia reptans and Barbilophozia attenuata, and further up the slope was Bazzania trilobata. The woodland gave way to a large area of block scree, and here Kerry found a good patch of Lepidozia cupressina, at a different location to that found previously by Paul. On the way down, an undercut with expanses of bare soil had some bluish looking Calypogeia which disappointingly turned out to be C. fissa, and Dicranella heteromalla. Elsewhere, Calypogeia arguta and C. muelleriana were also found. At the base of the slope were several base-rich flushes, with Palustriella commutata, Pellia endivifolia and P. epiphylla, Dichodontium pellucidum and a small, light green Dichodontium which under the microscope showed all the characteristics of D. flavescens. The edge of a small stream had Riccardia multifida, with a small, interesting looking Fissidens growing through it, which was later identified by Sharon Pilkington as probably an atypical F. adianthoides. We had lunch on the banks of the main stream through the woodland, where Hyocomium armoricum was growing thickly.

After lunch, we followed the stream up into open hillside, where large boulders on the bank were thickly covered with Scapania umbrosa and Tritomaria exsectiformis, then took a path over a stile to further areas of scree and a north-facing slope where Mylia taylorii was growing. At that point we decided to call it a day, as we had plenty of species to take home and check. The final species list was tantalizingly close to 100 at 97. Perhaps we should just check through those packets again in case we missed anything … A return visit to other parts of the monad or adjacent squares would surely be worthwhile.
Text: Clare Shaw. Photos: Clare Shaw and Paul Ross

Bryophyte Trip report

Whitbarrow trip bryophyte report 18 February 2024

It was great to welcome a number of new faces amongst the dozen bryologists who assembled in the ample parking area, ready for the fray. The group’s chosen modus operandi, holding field visits which fall on various days of the week including Sundays, is clearly working, allowing people the option to attend when it suits. It surely also helped that Sunday’s forecast was reasonable, and improving, as the day progressed. In truth, the weather was superb for February, everyone enjoying the sunshine, the extensive views from the top of the scarp, and of course the chance to look at mosses without rain!

Whitbarrow is a limestone scar – essentially, the compressed remains of uncounted billions of sea creatures from 350 million years ago, which died and sank to the bottom of the shallow tropical sea, their skeletons of white calcium carbonate slowly turning into Carboniferous Limestone. The tectonic plate drifted from the tropics, to a higher latitude, was uplifted, and now the Scar stands a “mighty” 210m (at highest point) above sea-level, here in Cumbria. Given that it sit on a coastal plain, its modest height nevertheless gives Whitbarrow superb views, both out across the bay, and inland to the higher, more acid hills of the central lakes.

The limestone creates habitats and bryophyte communities which are quite uncommon in Cumbria (have a look at a geological map – there’s not many places where limestone exposures exist). Bryophytes, just like lichens, are sensitive to underlying pH, so the alkaline conditions created on limestone allow a suite of liverwort and moss specialist “calcicoles” to evolve. (Calci = calcium, –colere = “inhabit”, so “things which inhabit calcium-rich areas”). Although soils and seepage water derived from limestone are indeed strongly alkaline, the situation is complicated by the presence of loess (wind deposited sediments) and the development of humus-rich soils in pockets on the limestone, which over time become leached by the glorious Cumbrian rain, and so can become really rather acid in pH. Pockets of acid soil, in a predominantly alkaline habitat, means that the bryophyte communities are rich and varied, and create mosaics where calcicolous and acidophile species can sit side by side. A case in point? We came across two Riccia species, neither of which are all that commonly recorded in Cumbria. Riccias are a group of small liverworts which are colonists of bare, wet, mud – they pack their life cycle into a short time (whilst the mud is wet) and exist as spores in the long dry spells. Riccia beyrichiana grows on acid soils, whereas Riccia sorocarpa is a calcicole. They were two metres apart.

The main objective for the day was to record on Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s Hervey Reserve which includes Lords Seat, the highest point on the scar. Despite being a National Nature Reserve, Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Area of Conservation, there are several monads on Whitbarrow with surprisingly few records. We climbed the steep path through the wood trying to resist the urge to stop and look at the abundant mosses and liverworts present as this was outside the target square. Once over the stile and into SD4486, the pace slowed as the mosaic of limestone grassland, woodland, and broken rock and scree of the Park Limestone were closely examined. The calcicoles Ctenidium molluscum, Neckera crispa and Tortella tortuosa were conspicuous at almost every stop, and there were fine patches of Flexitrichum (formerly Ditrichum) gracile in places. Closer inspection of some of the Tortella revealed the presence of the uncommon Tortella densa. Acidophiles such as Hylocomium splendens, Hypnum jutlandicum and Polytrichum formosum, and more generalist species such as Thuidium tamariscinum, Pseudoscleropodium purum and Dicranum scoparium were also frequent in the grassland. Close inspection of the ant-hills revealed the identities of numerous small acrocarps (unbranched mosses) including Bryum dichotomum with bulbils visible on the shoot tips, Weissia controversa with abundant capsules, and Barbula convoluta.

After lunch just below Lord’s Seat, we dropped down the dip slope and onto the Urswick Limestone with its distinctive pavements. Here Clare found Rhytidium rugosum growing with (and looking very like) Hypnum cupressiforme var lacunosum (formerly Hypnum lacunosum), and soon we were spotting it everywhere! Rob found Marchantia (formerly Preissia) quadrata growing on the low cliffs, and we also found Tortella nitida here, helpfully growing with T densa and T tortuosa for comparison.  Argles Tarn was an obvious place to visit as a ‘bonus habitat’. The relatively uncommon Campyliadelphus elodes had previously been recorded here and we may have found a small amount growing on pavement near the tarn margin, but this is still to be confirmed. Calliergonella cuspidata and Scorpidium cossonii were also found here. The developing Hazel woodland around the tarn proved to be of interest too, with numerous “corticolous” (on wood) species including the liverworts Myriocoleopsis (formerly Cololejeunia) minutissima, Radula complanata, Metzgeria violacea and Ricardia palmata. On our way back, Campylopus fragilis and Encalypta streptocarpa were added to the list, which at the time of writing stands at 77 species for SD4486.

Report by Gary Lawrence and Kerry Milligan

Photos by Paul Ross (PR), Clare Shaw (CS), Peter Bullard (PB) Gary Lawrence (GL) and Kerry Milligan (KM)

Lichen Trip report

Whitbarrow trip lichen report 18 February 2024

The last few trips have been dogged by winter deluges. But, mirabile dictu, the forecast for Sunday kept on improving. The rain stopped, the mists cleared and hordes gathered at the Witherslack Hall kennels. Would there be enough parking room? Yes! How many people were there? 23 I think, though only 11 in the lichen party!

As ever, we didn’t get very far very fast. The hawthorns in the first field provided a convenient opportunity to talk form (leafy, crusty etc)  and reproductive features (apothecia, soredia etc). The sun came out; layers were shed. Physcia tenella looked very frilly, and we found a convenient limestone outcrop. Free-living Nostoc was there to be handled, adjacent to the jelly lichen Lathagrium cristatum var. marginale. The latter was in more exposed positions. There was Placynthium nigrum’s blue margin to be admired and the difference between Protoblastenia rupestris and Protoblastenia incrustans could be demonstrated.  A nearby ash had the non-lichenised fungus Hysterium angustatum on it. An hour and a half after starting and we had maybe made it 250 metres.

Bu things speeded up. A bit. The fence by the sports pitch had some Cladonias to admire. The adjacent trees boasted Usnea subfloridana, Hypogymnia tubulosa, and fertile Hypotrachyna revoluta sensu strictu. And then we were into the woods.

A mossy wall with Peltigera membranacea , P. praetextata and Scytinium lichenoides detained us a while. Hazels had Graphis scripta and plentiful Coenogonium cinnabarinum extending in a pink sheen several feet up the stems. Chris found Pachyphiale carneola and there was some Thelotrema lepadinum too. Eventually, in a surge of enthusiasm, we made it up onto the open ground for lunch with a view of Morecambe Bay and Heysham nuclear plant. Was the sea silver, gold, or green? Opinions were divided.

The shattered limestone was possibly less rewarding than hoped, though we managed to pick up some of the common limestone species: Gyalecta jenesis, Romjularia lurida, Collema fuscovirens, Cladonia pocillum, Placidium squamulosum. Sandstone erratics gave lovely mosaics of species we mostly couldn’t identify, though there was a lot of Porpidia tuberculosa. The sad ruins of ash and birch trees gave us a dramatic patch of Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa.

The afternoon was drawing on and a decision was made to move more quickly. Almost immediately we were detained by hi-vis roundels of Caloplaca flavescens. Sheltered juniper seemed to have more lichens:  one patch had an impressive Parmelioid community. A fenced off area (presumably to stop cattle falling down a hole) had the best Cladonia rangiformis we had seen all afternoon. Deer bounded off across the ripped out pavements.

Soon we were heading down again: there was more Thelotrema lepadinum, and as the longer-lasting members of the party came through the woods, under the cawing ravens and mewling buzzards, we found primroses in bloom. And then, finally, there was an intriguing white sorediate crust on an ash. Chemicals were applied: C+ orangey yellow, K+ yellow, UV+ orange. Is that Lecanora alboflavida? Or Ochrolechia turneri?

“What a good day” someone wrote afterwards. “ It was really fun” someone else said. I enjoyed it immensely. It is good to know others did too.

Text: Pete Martin. Photos: Chris Cant, Pete Martin

Bryophyte Trip report

Swindale bryophyte trip report 10 December 2023

The weather forecast for 10 December was for non-stop double rain all day, so it was a small and determined group that met at Swindale, three of us looking at bryophytes (Ian, Kerry and Clare) and Caz and Chris looking for lichens. We headed up the valley along the road, wading at times through deep puddles, to reach the bridge by the stepping stones over Swindale Beck. then followed the path to Gouthercrag Gill.

The first stop was by the bridge over the gill. There were many Racomitrium species on rocks near the water, including R. aciculare by the water’s edge, R. lanuginosum, R. heterostichum and R. fasciculare (both checked microscopically); also Polytrichum piliferum and a small cushion of Grimmia donniana with a single capsule. Some good mossy boulders had Barbilophozia attenuata and a small patch of Lophozia sudetica, tentatively identified by the red back to the stem and bilobed leaves. Later, under the dissecting microscope, some nice red perianths were found. A few yards from the beck, a rock face with water running down it had a good range of tufa moss: Amphidium mougeotii, Gymnostomum aeruginosum and Anoectangium aestivum, as well as Palustriella commutata, Conocephalum salebrosum, Preissia quadrata and Fissidens taxifolius. There were healthy patches of Loeskeobryum brevirostre by the beck, and a small amount of Fontinalis antipyretica at the edge of the water.

We headed away from the beck, past flushes where Dichodontium palustre was growing with Philonotis fontana and small amounts of Sphagnum auriculatum and S. inundatum. Scrambling up a slope that proved to be a stable boulder field, we found large amounts of Barbilophozia floerkei. In this promising habitat we hoped to find more Atlantic species such as Anastrepta orcadensis, but the Barbilophozia was predominant. Some of the boulders had large quantities of Gymnomitrion obtusum and some Andreaea rupestris, whilst low crags had cushions of Bartramia pommiformis. At the top of the boulder field, Gouther Crag provided some shelter so we stopped for lunch and a welcome hot drink under a hawthorn which occasionally showered us with drips. Although the crags themselves were dry and largely unpromising, we found some different species on boulders below, including Plagiomnium affine, Plagiothecium denticulatum var. denticulatum, Ptilidium ciliare and a small, narrow-leaved Polytrichum that turned out to be Polytrichastum alpinum. The weather had been showery rather than the unremitting heavy rain that the forecast suggested, but it was still starting to soak into the ends of sleeves and it was a bit on the chilly side to be sitting, so we decided to descend the slope and walk briskly up the valley to look at some hazel woodland. On the way down we passed a large cushion of Tortella tortuosa and an enormous colony of Gymnomitrion obtusum. The hazel woodland produced a few more species including Ulota bruchii, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus and Frullania tamarisci. It was encouraging to see that the hazels all had abundant young stems as well as older wood. Unfortunately by this stage the rain seemed to be getting heavier and we were getting colder, so we decided to head back. It was a lovely site, quiet and unspoilt, and would definitely be worth revisiting in better weather, perhaps exploring further up the valley and some of the other crags. There was enough variety here to suggest it might warrant further exploration.

Text and photos: Clare Shaw and Kerry Milligan